
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Schizophrenia Definition and Symptoms

Schizophrenia is a challenging disorder that makes it difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, and relate to others. These obstacles can get in the way of your ability to function normally and take care of yourself. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope.
The truth is, schizophrenia can be successfully managed. The first step is identifying the signs and symptoms. The second step is seeking help without delay. The third is sticking with treatment. With the right treatment and support from family, friends, and health professionals, a person with schizophrenia can lead a happy, fulfilling life.
What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects the way a person acts, thinks, and sees the world. People with schizophrenia have an altered perception of reality, often a significant loss of contact with reality. They may see or hear things that don’t exist, speak in strange or confusing ways, believe that others are trying to harm them, or feel like they’re being constantly watched. With such a blurred line between the real and the imaginary, schizophrenia makes it difficult—even frightening—to negotiate the activities of daily life. In response, people with schizophrenia may withdraw from the outside world or act out in confusion and fear.
Most cases of schizophrenia appear in the late teens or early adulthood. For men, the average age of onset is 25. For women, typical onset is around the age of 30. However, schizophrenia can appear for the first time in middle age or even later. In rare cases, schizophrenia can even affect young children and adolescents, although the symptoms are slightly different. In general, the earlier schizophrenia develops, the more severe it is. Schizophrenia also tends to be more severe in men than in women.
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Captain America Trailer The First Avenger is this week’s most ridiculous trailer

There’s an element of slavish worship to any superhero myth, but that’s particularly true for Captain America, a WWII-era propaganda comic that took a sickly young man who just really wanted to fight those damn Nazis and made him into the pinnacle of the American ideal — which is, of course, a ‘roided up war-machine in a red-white-and-blue lycra suit. Now, because interminable, ambiguous wars with no clear objective are for pussies, we are privileged to welcome back the Cap’n into our popular consciousness equipped with Adolf Hitler as his foil — every hero needs a villain, after all, and plus, comic-book-origin flicks are totally hot right now with nostalgic Gen-Xers, all of whom are expected to walk out of theaters and immediately vote Republican.
It’s hard to argue that, like pretty much every cinematic effort Marvel has been cranking out for the last decade or so, Captain America: The First Avenger looks like a pretty engaging flick. But it’s also hard to argue that it lays on the nationalism pretty thick — the “new breed of super-soldier” thing actually comes off pretty sinister within the context of the ensuing years of American warfare. But then again, Captain America is not exactly inviting us to consider the context, either.READ MORE
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Ashley Judd and Patrick Dempsey ‘Flypaper’ Stills!

Ashley Judd and Patrick Dempsey ‘Flypaper’ Stills!
Check out these stills from Patrick Dempsey and Ashley Judd’s upcoming crime comedy Flypaper!
Synopsis: Tripp Kennedy (Dempsey) ambles into a bank near closing time, just as two different gangs unwittingly converge to rob it. A shoot-out erupts, and Tripp tackles the smart, pretty teller, Kaitlin (Judd), to protect her.
The gangs, one clearly made up of pros and the other a couple of buffoons named Peanut Butter (Tim Blake Nelson) and Jelly (Pruitt Taylor Vince), have deadlocked themselves in a Mexican standoff.
The bank’s security system starts the end-of-day lockdown and seals everyone into the building. As the night evolves, a hilarious game of cat and mouse ensues as Tripp and Kaitlin try to save the day, escape being killed, and avoid falling in love almost.
Flypaper hits theaters Aug. 19 but is out on VOD starting today (July 15)!
SOURCE OF Ashley Judd and Patrick Dempsey ‘Flypaper’ Stills!
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Oslo, Norway Terrorism Norway horror: 80 die in camp shooting, 7 in blast

Oslo, Norway Terrorism Norway horror: 80 die in camp shooting, 7 in blast
OSLO, Norway — A Norwegian who dressed as a police officer to gun down summer campers killed at least 80 people at an island retreat, horrified police said early Saturday. It took investigators several hours to begin to realize the full scope of Friday’s massacre, which followed an explosion in nearby Oslo that killed seven and that police say was set off by the same suspect.
The mass shootings are among the worst in history. With the blast outside the prime minister’s office, they formed the deadliest day of terror in Western Europe since the 2004 Madrid train bombings killed 191.

Oslo, Norway explosion and attacks kill at least 87; 7 confirmed dead in bomb blast

Police initially said about 10 were killed at the forested camp on the island of Utoya, but some survivors said they thought the toll was much higher. Police director Oystein Maeland told reporters early Saturday they had discovered many more victims.
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Another Earth Movie Review: An Incredible Tale of Love and Redemption

This film has an intriguing sci-fi premise about a duplicate earth but, unfortunately, it gets relegated to the realm of sub-plot and the focus is placed on a tedious romance that is a poor substitute for the extra-terrestrial adventure we could have enjoyed.
Rhoda’s (Brit Marling) dreams of becoming an astrophysicist come to an abrupt end when she drinks and drives, injuring John Burroughs (William Mapother) and killing his pregnant wife and child. She serves a four year prison sentence and, on her return, tracks down her victim and infiltrates his life without identifying herself as the perpetrator of the tragedy that destroyed his family. On the same day as the accident, a planet appears that scientists believe to be similar to our own and when Rhoda is released from prison she enters a competition to win a ticket for a trip to what has been christened Earth 2.
This is a character driven drama that puts the architect of the crime and the victim dangerously close and leads the audience to believe that guilt, remorse, blame and forgiveness will be played out in the arena, but these promises are never kept. We see the two together, scene after scene, but barely a word is exchanged and when Rhoda finally reveals who she is, Burroughs merely tells her to “get out”, and the grand battle we anticipated dissolves before our very eyes.
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Captain America The First Avenger, a Fair review.(Spoilers)

Ok, Captain America has been a movie of much debate and for a while has had mixed reviews. And in my opinion it’s all about taste when it comes to most of the. Having just finished watching the film (in 2D) I was glad to see that they did destroy one of my favorite characters of all time.
What really drew me into the story is the fact that it actually has The Cap frozen in ice method rather than something considered “More realistic.” But I’m rambling.
The movie was a well written film with a good message. Steve Rogers is a good man, and that is why he gets to be this hero. And he retains these values without coming off as preachy. Which is hard to do in a Pro War movie. He does not want to kill, but if it is the only way to protect his country he will. The dialogue felt like it belonged in the 1940’s. And while it is jokey, it is not jokey to the point of ridiculousness *cough cough Transformers Movies Cough cough Green Lantern* The Humor felt like it was natural and flowed well. They never sacrificed character for a joke.
The casting in this film was very well done!
Chris Evans: When I first heard about the casting for Captain America rumor was that it was going to be the Chris Pine who played Steve, and I thought that was brilliant, then I heard it was Chris Evans, The Human Torch. I was disappointed, but I must say he disappeared into this role, I forgot he was ever the human torch and saw Cap! His facial expressions his actions everything.
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“Jurassic Park 4″ in 2013 or 2014 confirmed by Spielberg at Comic Con

“Jurassic Park 4″ in 2013 or 2014 confirmed by Spielberg at Comic Con
(CBS/What’s Trending) – The news coming out of Comic Con just gets more and more exciting. Steven Spielberg made his first appearance at Comic Con on Friday, and Variety is reporting that he announced that there will in fact be a “Jurassic Park 4.” News that it’d be ready “in the next two of three years” set Twitter on fire with excited responses.
Spielberg was on the panel for DreamWorks’ “Adventures of Tin Tin,” and overshadowed the promotion of that film with the announcement of the bringing the franchise back to life. The Hollywood Reporter reported back in June that Spielberg was in talks with screenwriter Mark Prostosevich to get the film going. Now, with Spielberg confirming that the film already has a story, Twitter is more than excited. We could even see the next film in the billion dollar series as soon as 2013 or 2014.READ MORE
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‘Blade Runner’ qualifies for 2012 Olympics

New Delhi: It’s a story that goes beyond sporting achievements. It is a victory of the human spirit.

When 24-year-old double amputee Oscar Pistorius runs at the 400m race in the 2012 London Olympics, he would have done what no other man has ever done before – become the first sprinter to compete for both Olympic and Paralympic gold.

London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe said on Thursday that he looked forward to Pistorius competing at both the world championships in South Korea next month and the Games in London.
Blade Runner qualifies for 2012 Olympics

‘Blade Runner’ qualifies for 2012 Olympics

Pistorius, who runs with carbon fibre prosthetic running blades after both his lower legs were amputated when he was 11 months old, clocked a 45.07 seconds personal best in the 400 metres at an event in Lignano, Italy, on Tuesday.

The 24-year-old’s time was inside both the world championships and Olympic qualifying mark.
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